Auckland/Waikato Fishing Regulations 2016-2017
Office: 156 Brymer Rd
Hamilton 3289
Phone: (07) 849 1666; Fax (07) 849 1648
Email: [email protected]
Office Manager: Robyn Lingard
Chief Executive: Ben Wilson
Fisheries Manager: Adam Daniel
Wildlife Managers: John Dyer, David Klee
Office: 156 Brymer Rd
Hamilton 3289
Phone: (07) 849 1666; Fax (07) 849 1648
Email: [email protected]
Office Manager: Robyn Lingard
Chief Executive: Ben Wilson
Fisheries Manager: Adam Daniel
Wildlife Managers: John Dyer, David Klee
The Auckland/Waikato Region offers a wide diversity of fishing opportunities with many lake and river fisheries. Three lakes within one hour of Auckland City are regularly stocked with trout, and wild trout are present in the Mangatawhiri and Mangatangi reservoirs. There is also good trout fishing in the Coromandel Ranges with most rivers having easy access and high scenic values. Further south there are numerous spring-fed trout streams in the South Waikato, and many backcountry fisheries throughout the King Country including the headwaters of the Waipa, Whanganui, Whakapapa, and Awakino Rivers. The Waikato River has an abundant brown trout population, and the hydro-lakes provide excellent lake fishing. Coarse fisheries are present in most lakes north of Hamilton, including Lake Pupuke and Hamilton Lake. Good coarse fishing is also available in the lower Waikato and Whangamarino Rivers.
The following pamphlets are available from Auckland/Waikato Fish & Game. Click on the blue links for a downloadable PDF:
- Trout Fishing in the Auckland/Waikato Region
- Trout Fishing in South Waikato Spring Creeks
- Trout Fishing in the Coromandel Ranges
- Trout Fishing in the Whanganui Headwaters
- Trout Fishing in the Waikato River
- Trout Fishing in the Waitomo and Kawhia Area
- Trout On Your Doorstep - A quick quide to methods and techniques on the Lower Waikato River
1. DEFINITIONS See First Schedule.
Lakes/Rivers Open Permitted Daily Bag
Season Methods Limits (Trout)
2.1 Lakes Arapuni All year All legal lures/baits 5
Karapiro All year All legal lures/baits 2
Mangatangi Reservoir All year Spinner/artificial fly 5
Mangatawhiri Reservoir All year Spinner/artificial fly 5
Moana-nui All year All legal lures/baits 5
Parkinsons All year All legal lures/baits 5
Pupuke All year No bait restrictions 5
Tomarata All year All legal lures/baits 5
See First Schedule.
2.1 Lakes Arapuni All year All legal lures/baits 5
Karapiro All year All legal lures/baits 2
Mangatangi Reservoir All year Spinner/artificial fly 5
Mangatawhiri Reservoir All year Spinner/artificial fly 5
Moana-nui All year All legal lures/baits 5
Parkinsons All year All legal lures/baits 5
Pupuke All year No bait restrictions 5
Tomarata All year All legal lures/baits 5
Waipapa All year All legal lures/baits 5
Whatihua (Thomsons) All year All legal lures/baits 5
All other lakes/ponds All year No bait restrictions 5
2.2 Hydro Lake Tributaries
Little Waipa Stream
(Horahora Road Bridge
deemed to be the mouth) 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
Pokaiwhenua Stream 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
Mangawhio Stream
• below lower falls All year Spinner/artificial fly 5
• above lower falls 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
Waipapa River
• below lower falls All year Spinner/artificial fly 5
• above lower falls 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
All other streams flowing into Lake Waipapa, Lake Arapuni and Lake Karapiro are closed (refer to clause 3 for this region)
2.3 Rivers and Streams
• downstream of
Mahoenui Bridge 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 2
• upstream of
Mahoenui Bridge 1 Oct – 30 Jun Fly fishing only 2
Awaroa 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
• downstream
of Wires Road Ford All year Spinner/artificial fly 5
• upstream of
Wires Road Ford 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
Kakahu 1 Oct – 30 Jun Fly fishing only 5
Kaniwhaniwha 1 Oct – 30 Jun Fly fishing only 5
Kaimarama 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
Kapowai 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
Karapiro Stream 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
Kauaeranga 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
Komata 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
Kapowai Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Karapiro Stream Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Kauaeranga Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Komata Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Mahakirau Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Mangakahu Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Mangaohae Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Mangaokewa Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Mangaorongo Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
below lower Mangaotaki
Road bridge All year Spinner/artificial fly 5
above lower Mangaotaki
Road bridge Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Mangatawhiri below
Highway 2 Bridge Oct 1 – Jun 30 No bait restrictions 5
above Highway 2 Bridge
Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Mangatepopo Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 2
Mangatutu below
Lethbridge Rd Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
above Lethbridge Rd Oct 1 – Jun 30 Fly fishing only 5
Mangawhero Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Maramataha Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Maratoto Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Marokopa below
Mangatuahaua Stream
All year All legal lures/baits 5
above Mangatuahaua
Stream Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
below Honikiwi Road Oct 1 – Jun 30 All legal lures/baits 5
above Honikiwi Road Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Mokau Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Ngakoaohia below
Pirongia/Kawhia Bridge Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
above Pirongia/Kawhia
Bridge Oct 1 – Jun 30 Fly fishing only 5
Ngutunui Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
below Victoria Street
Bridge, Waihi All year All legal lures/baits 2
above Victoria Street
Bridge, Waihi Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 2
Okauaka Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Okupata Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Omahine Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Ongarue below
Waimiha Stream Oct 1 – Jun 30 All legal lures/baits 5
above Waimiha Stream Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Oparau Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Oraka Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Owairaka Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Piopiotea Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 2
Pungapunga Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Puniu below
Seafund Rd Bridge All year Spinner/artificial fly 5
above Seafund Rd
Bridge Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Purere (upper Waihou) All year Spinner/artificial fly No limit*
Rapurapu Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Tapu Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Tairua Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Taringamotu Oct 1 – Jun 3 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Tawarau Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Waihou below
Okoroire Falls All year All legal lures/baits 5
above Okoroire Falls All year Spinner/artificial fly No limit*
Waikato All year All legal lures/baits 5
Waimakariri All year Spinner/artificial fly No limit*
Waimiha Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Waiomou Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Waione Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Waipa below Hwy 3
Bridge at Otorohanga All year All legal lures/baits 5
between Hwy 3 Bridge
and Toa Bridge All year Spinner/artificial fly 5
above Toa Bridge Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Waipare (upper Waihou) All year Spinner/artificial fly No limit*
Waipari Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Wairoa All year Spinner/artificial fly 5
Waitawheta below
end of Franklin Rd All year Spinner/artificial fly 2
above end of
Franklin Rd Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 2
Waitekauri Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 2
Waiwawa Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5
Whanganui below
Whakapapa River All year All legal lures/baits 5
above Whakapapa R. Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 2
Whakapapa below
Piopiotea Stream Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 2
above Piopiotea Stream Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 2 brown 0 rainbow
Whakapapa-iti Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 2 brown 0 rainbow
Whakapapa-nui Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 2 brown 0 rainbow
Whangamarino Oct 1 – Jun 30 No bait restrictions 5
All other rivers/streams not mentioned in Sections 2 and 3 Oct 1 – Jun 30 Spinner/artificial fly 5 * Where there is no bag limit, only 2 of these trout may be greater than 30cm in length (refer to Section 10).
3.1 No licence holder shall take (or attempt to take) sports fish from all rivers, streams and their tributaries which flow into but not including Lake Arapuni, Lake Waipapa and Lake Karapiro, and that part of the Waikato River downstream from the Maraetai Dam to above the Karapiro Dam.
3.2 The closed waters restrictions in Section 3.1 do not apply to the waters specified in Section 2.2 of this Schedule.
Refer to Section 2.
Refer to Section 2.
No licence holder when fishing in bait fishing waters shall use as bait any fish taken from any water other than where the fishing is occurring.
7.1 The following waters are designated as coarse fishing waters: Mangatawhiri River from the bridge on State Highway 2 to its confluence with the Waikato River. Whangamarino River. All lakes and ponds, excluding the Mangatangi Reservoir, Mangatawhiri Reservoir and any lake specified in Section 2 of this part of the Schedule.
7.2 There are no restrictions on the numbers of rods and running lines that a licence holder fishing for perch, tench or rudd may have provided only one of which shall be used for fishing at any one time.
7.3 A roach pole may be used to fish for perch, tench and rudd.
7.4 It is an offence to kill on any day more than five tench. There is no limit for perch or rudd.
No licence holder shall fish for sports fish from any vessel in the upper reaches of Lake Karapiro (upstream from the white marker post, situated 200m below the Huihuitaha Stream mouth) unless the vessel is securely anchored.
There are no restrictions on the hours of fishing in the Auckland/ Waikato Region.
10.1 There are no length restrictions in the Waimakariri Stream and Waihou River upstream from Okoroire and their tributaries, except that no licence holder shall take more than 2 trout exceeding 30cm in length.
10.2 In all other waters the minimum length is 30cm.
Notes on Regional Fishing Options
(from Auckland Region Fish and Game Website)
Waikato River
The Waikato River holds a huge trout population. Brown trout are abundant throughout the length of the river, while rainbows are plentiful upstream of Hamilton. The best fishing is generally at twilight or after dark. The lower river fishes best during the winter months, while good fishing can be experienced throughout the year in the upper reaches. Popular spots include beneath the Karapiro Dam (track on western side), and the Karapiro Stream mouth at Cambridge. Good fishing water can also be accessed from riverside tracks in Hamilton and Cambridge.
Lake Karapiro
Access to good waters for shore based anglers can be obtained from Horahora Road where the most popular locations are the mouths of the Pokaiwhenua and Little Waipa Streams. Boat ramps are located off State Highway 1 and at the mouth of the Little Waipa Stream.
Lake Arapuni
This is the most popular lake fishery in the Auckland/Waikato region and is heavily stocked with rainbow trout providing anglers with a relatively high catch rate. At the southern end of the lake, popular locations for the shore based angler include below the Waipapa Dam, the mouth of the Tumai Stream (track from the eastern side of the Waipapa Dam) and the Mangawhio Stream (track from the boat ramp located about 1km downstream from the Waipapa Dam). At the northern end of the lake, access to several beaches can be obtained from Landing Road. Many anglers also fish in the vicinity of the Arapuni and Waipapa Dams. There are five boat ramps located around the lake – the most popular are Jones and Arapuni landings at the northern end.
Lake Waipapa
A high catch rate can be expected in this very scenic lake but trout are generally smaller than in Arapuni and Karapiro. There is only one boat ramp which is located next to Waipapa Road (Te Awamutu-Mangakino). The mouth of the Waipapa River is popular with shore based anglers.
Pokaiwhenua Stream
A spring fed stream with its source in the exotic forest beyond Tokoroa, running past Putaruru into Lake Karapiro. The lower reaches, below the waterfall on the Putaruru-Arapuni Road, have a good spawning run of large trout from Lake Karapiro in Autumn. Access can be obtained across farmland either via Putaruru-Arapuni Road, State Highway 1, Horahora Road or from Hildreth Road. Landowners’ permission is required and access to good water can be gained from at least nine properties. Above the falls a resident population of brown and rainbows provide good fishing with access available from Putaruru-Arapuni Road and Waotu Road.
Click on blue links below for downloadable PDFs.
Part 1
Part 2
The Mighty Waipa (Note as of October 2014, the landowner at Toa Bridge is not allowing anglers access to fish the Waipa River)
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Little Waipa Stream
A large spring fed stream near Putaruru with an abundant trout population. Access is from Putaruru-Arapuni, Pearsons, or Old Taupo Roads. Good water that is rarely fished can also be reached across private farmland from Huihuitaha Road – it’s well worth the extra effort. An extensive coverage of aquatic weeds and generally very clear water makes this a challenging stream to fish.
Waipa River
The Waipa River is largely fished above Otorohanga where there is over 30km of superb fishing water. From Otorohanga the river runs parallel to Otewa Road for some 16km to Toa Bridge, the upstream limit for winter fishing. Above Toa Bridge the river is mainly accessible by foot. Access to the upper reaches can also be obtained across private farmland from Owawenga Road.
Puniu River
The Puniu River is the largest tributary of the Waipa River, flowing through the Pureora Forest and joining the river at Pirongia. The Puniu River offers 20km of fishing water, mostly in the headwaters and middle reaches. Access to the river is from Bayley, Newman, and Duncan Roads.
Mangatutu Stream
A very popular stream, southwest of Te Awamutu, that is heavily fished by local anglers. Access is from the Wharepuhunga Road which runs parallel to the Mangatutu Stream for 5km. There is also at least 10km of good fly fishing water upstream from the Wharepuhunga Road Bridge.
Moakurarua Stream
The Moakurarua Stream has its source in the steep hill country to the west of Otorohanga and flows in a northerly direction to join the Waipa River just south of Pirongia. The upper reaches of the Moakurarua have a clear gravel bottom, mostly wadeable offering good fishing waters. Access is gained off the Otorohanga/Honikiwi or Otorohanga/Kawhia Roads. The lower reaches are deep, sluggish, and generally not favoured by anglers.
Ngakoaohia Stream
Rising on Mt Pirongia the Ngakoaohia Stream flows east to join the Waipa River. This small stream consists of pools and runs with a clear gravel bottom which lends itself well to nymph and dry fly fishing. Access is from the Pirongia/Kawhia Road.
Kaniwhaniwha Stream
A small shingle and boulder stream that runs through bush and farm land down the northern slopes of Mt Pirongia. Access is off the Limeworks Loop Road. The stream is mainly fished with nymph or dry fly during the summer.
Mangaokewa Stream
In it’s upper reaches the Mangaokewa is a very scenic stream flowing through an extensive area of native forest. These waters are best suited for spin fishing and hold good size rainbow and brown trout. Access is off the Mangaokewa Road and from the scenic Mangaokewa Reserve just south of Te Kuiti
Waihou River
Most fishing is carried out in the upper reaches above Okoroire where the Waihou is very clear – classic dry fly waters. In this section of the Waihou trout numbers are very high; mainly small fish though recent drift dive surveys have seen reasonable numbers of large rainbow trout. Access is obtained from the Hamilton/Rotorua highway, Whites Road (road between SH5 and SH1), and at Okoroire behind the Hotel.
Waiomou Stream
An upper tributary of the Waihou with about 20km of fishable water. This is a popular river with a high catch rate. Three tributaries of the Waiomou – the Omahine, Rapurapu, and the Kakahu Streams offer good small stream fly fishing. Access is off the Rapurapu, Omahine, and Waiomou Roads reached from either the Hamilton/Tauranga or Hamilton/Rotorua highways.
Ohinemuri River
The Ohinemuri River rises in the ranges behind Whangamata and flows west through the rugged Karangahake Gorge parallel to the Paeroa/Waihi highway. There is excellent fishing throughout the Ohinemuri, especially upstream of Waihi and though the Karangahake Gorge where a variety of fishing water is present. About equal numbers of rainbow and brown trout are present.
Waitawheta River
A boulder stream which flows through forest and farmland catchments before joining the Ohinemuri River. Highly valued by anglers for its scenic beauty and feelings of solitude. Access to the lower reaches is gained by crossing the Ohinemuri River at Karangahake township. The middle and upper reaches by taking the Waitawheta Road near Waikino on the Waihi/Paeroa highway, then either Dickey Flat, Dean or Franklin Roads. From the Dickey Flat and Franklin Roads there are Department of Conservation tracks along the river giving access to many kilometres of fishing water through scenic kauri forests.
Waimakariri Stream
The Waimakariri is a large spring fed stream which flows north from the Kaimai Ranges to meet the Waihou River just south of the Okoroire Falls. This river is renowned for its high catch rate of smallish trout, however, larger trout are present especially in the upper reaches. Probably one of the best dry fly streams in the region. Access is off the Tirau/Rotorua highway and Waimakariri Road.
Whanganui River
Between Taumarunui and Kakahi there are numerous good fishing pools. Access can be gained from Taumarunui, or via the villages of Mahoe (Mahoe Rd), Piriaka (from the power station), Manunui (Mahoe Rd), and Kakahi (Ako Street) and from the end of Te Rena Road by crossing the Whakapapa River and taking the short path across the Whakapapa Island. Access to the upper reaches within the Tongariro National Park is via old logging roads from State Highway 47, a good topographical map or local knowledge is required.
Whakapapa River
One of New Zealand’s finest trout fisheries but certainly not for the faint hearted as the Whakapapa alternates between turbulent rapid, deep pools and long boulder runs. Access to the lower reaches can be obtained from the end of Te Rena Road via the village of Kakahi. Access to the middle reaches can be obtained from Owhango, south of Taumarunui, where a good gravel road leads to a bridge across the river. Just before the bridge a short road on the right leads to a fence line along which a path gives excellent access to the river. Access to the upper reaches can be gained from SH 4 across private farmland (landowner permission is required), or from the access road to the Tongariro Power Scheme intake structure via SH 47 (National Park – Turangi).
Ongarue River
A popular river offering many kilometres of fishing water. Mainly fished in its upper reaches above the township of Waimiha. Access is from the Ongarue Stream Road across private farmland. Below Waimiha there is some excellent spin fishing water, with access from the Waimiha-Ongarue Road which runs parallel to the river.
Waimiha Stream
A delightful stream offering a succession of long ripples and pools containing a good population of both rainbow and brown trout. The lower and middle reaches offer clear low banks providing relatively easy fishing. Access is from Waimiha Road across private farmland, permission is required from the farmhouse just north of the Waimiha-Ongarue Road turnoff. Access can also be obtained across farmland from Ongarue Stream Road. The upper reaches run parallel to State Highway 30 (Te Kuiti – Mangakino) east of Bennydale, with access across private farmland.
Marokopa River
The Marokopa is a relatively remote west coast river that is divided into two fisheries by the impressive Marokopa Falls. Below the falls there is about 3km of fishing, probably best suited for spin fishing. Above the falls there is about 10km of productive water. Both rainbow and brown trout are present. Access is from Te Anga Road via Waitomo Caves Road.
Tawarau River
The Tawarau River enters the Marokopa River just below the Marokopa Falls. This river is remote with foot access only to the upper and middle reaches. The scenery is very impressive as the river flows pass high limestone cliffs and dense forests. There is a good track alongside the river which leads to the Mangaohae Stream, and several suitable camping sites for a weekend trip. Access to the north end of the track is by Speedies Road via the Te Anga Road (Marokopa-Waitomo Caves)
Mangaohae Stream
A popular stream that flows past spectacular limestone bluffs and native forest providing the most impressive scenery to be found in the King Country. A Department of Conservation track follows the stream down to the Tawarau River. The south end of the track can be reached by taking the Oparure Road, 3km north of Te Kuiti, and then Ngapaenga and Were Roads.
A large spring fed stream near Putaruru with an abundant trout population. Access is from Putaruru-Arapuni, Pearsons, or Old Taupo Roads. Good water that is rarely fished can also be reached across private farmland from Huihuitaha Road – it’s well worth the extra effort. An extensive coverage of aquatic weeds and generally very clear water makes this a challenging stream to fish.
Waipa River
The Waipa River is largely fished above Otorohanga where there is over 30km of superb fishing water. From Otorohanga the river runs parallel to Otewa Road for some 16km to Toa Bridge, the upstream limit for winter fishing. Above Toa Bridge the river is mainly accessible by foot. Access to the upper reaches can also be obtained across private farmland from Owawenga Road.
Puniu River
The Puniu River is the largest tributary of the Waipa River, flowing through the Pureora Forest and joining the river at Pirongia. The Puniu River offers 20km of fishing water, mostly in the headwaters and middle reaches. Access to the river is from Bayley, Newman, and Duncan Roads.
Mangatutu Stream
A very popular stream, southwest of Te Awamutu, that is heavily fished by local anglers. Access is from the Wharepuhunga Road which runs parallel to the Mangatutu Stream for 5km. There is also at least 10km of good fly fishing water upstream from the Wharepuhunga Road Bridge.
Moakurarua Stream
The Moakurarua Stream has its source in the steep hill country to the west of Otorohanga and flows in a northerly direction to join the Waipa River just south of Pirongia. The upper reaches of the Moakurarua have a clear gravel bottom, mostly wadeable offering good fishing waters. Access is gained off the Otorohanga/Honikiwi or Otorohanga/Kawhia Roads. The lower reaches are deep, sluggish, and generally not favoured by anglers.
Ngakoaohia Stream
Rising on Mt Pirongia the Ngakoaohia Stream flows east to join the Waipa River. This small stream consists of pools and runs with a clear gravel bottom which lends itself well to nymph and dry fly fishing. Access is from the Pirongia/Kawhia Road.
Kaniwhaniwha Stream
A small shingle and boulder stream that runs through bush and farm land down the northern slopes of Mt Pirongia. Access is off the Limeworks Loop Road. The stream is mainly fished with nymph or dry fly during the summer.
Mangaokewa Stream
In it’s upper reaches the Mangaokewa is a very scenic stream flowing through an extensive area of native forest. These waters are best suited for spin fishing and hold good size rainbow and brown trout. Access is off the Mangaokewa Road and from the scenic Mangaokewa Reserve just south of Te Kuiti.
Waihou River
Most fishing is carried out in the upper reaches above Okoroire where the Waihou is very clear – classic dry fly waters. In this section of the Waihou trout numbers are very high; mainly small fish though recent drift dive surveys have seen reasonable numbers of large rainbow trout. Access is obtained from the Hamilton/Rotorua highway, Whites Road (road between SH5 and SH1), and at Okoroire behind the Hotel.
Waiomou Stream
An upper tributary of the Waihou with about 20km of fishable water. This is a popular river with a high catch rate. Three tributaries of the Waiomou – the Omahine, Rapurapu, and the Kakahu Streams offer good small stream fly fishing. Access is off the Rapurapu, Omahine, and Waiomou Roads reached from either the Hamilton/Tauranga or Hamilton/Rotorua highways.
Ohinemuri River
The Ohinemuri River rises in the ranges behind Whangamata and flows west through the rugged Karangahake Gorge parallel to the Paeroa/Waihi highway. There is excellent fishing throughout the Ohinemuri, especially upstream of Waihi and though the Karangahake Gorge where a variety of fishing water is present. About equal numbers of rainbow and brown trout are present.
Waitawheta River
A boulder stream which flows through forest and farmland catchments before joining the Ohinemuri River. Highly valued by anglers for its scenic beauty and feelings of solitude. Access to the lower reaches is gained by crossing the Ohinemuri River at Karangahake township. The middle and upper reaches by taking the Waitawheta Road near Waikino on the Waihi/Paeroa highway, then either Dickey Flat, Dean or Franklin Roads. From the Dickey Flat and Franklin Roads there are Department of Conservation tracks along the river giving access to many kilometres of fishing water through scenic kauri forests.
Waimakariri Stream
The Waimakariri is a large spring fed stream which flows north from the Kaimai Ranges to meet the Waihou River just south of the Okoroire Falls. This river is renowned for its high catch rate of smallish trout, however, larger trout are present especially in the upper reaches. Probably one of the best dry fly streams in the region. Access is off the Tirau/Rotorua highway and Waimakariri Road.
Whanganui River
Between Taumarunui and Kakahi there are numerous good fishing pools. Access can be gained from Taumarunui, or via the villages of Mahoe (Mahoe Rd), Piriaka (from the power station), Manunui (Mahoe Rd), and Kakahi (Ako Street) and from the end of Te Rena Road by crossing the Whakapapa River and taking the short path across the Whakapapa Island. Access to the upper reaches within the Tongariro National Park is via old logging roads from State Highway 47, a good topographical map or local knowledge is required.
Whakapapa River
One of New Zealand’s finest trout fisheries but certainly not for the faint hearted as the Whakapapa alternates between turbulent rapid, deep pools and long boulder runs. Access to the lower reaches can be obtained from the end of Te Rena Road via the village of Kakahi. Access to the middle reaches can be obtained from Owhango, south of Taumarunui, where a good gravel road leads to a bridge across the river. Just before the bridge a short road on the right leads to a fence line along which a path gives excellent access to the river. Access to the upper reaches can be gained from SH 4 across private farmland (landowner permission is required), or from the access road to the Tongariro Power Scheme intake structure via SH 47 (National Park – Turangi).
Tairua River
Rises in the Coromandel Range, flows in a northerly direction until it enters tidal water at Tairua. Access is off the Kopu-Hikuai highway or off the Hikuai Valley Road.
Kauaeranga River
This river flows westward along the Kauaeranga Valley before entering the sea at Thames. It offers over 20km of good fishing, wadeable over a shingle and boulder bottom. Access is off Kauaeranga Valley Road behind Thames.
Waiwawa River
Rainbow trout are present in all rivers and streams that enter Whitianga Harbour. The Waiwawa is probably the best of these waters, a superb small trout river with over 10km of fishable water. Access is off the Coroglen-Tapu Road. The Mahakirau River is also popular with local anglers.
Mangaotaki River
A tributary of the Mokau River, the Mangaotaki River holds both rainbows and browns. Spin fishing is the most popular method but the upper reaches also holds good fly fishing waters. Access is off the Te Kuiti/New Plymouth highway or off the Upper Mangaotaki Road.
Awakino River
Entering the sea just south of Marokopa, the Awakino River is a picturesque river of rapids, boulders, and native bush. Access to the river is excellent with SH3 running beside the lower reaches for 15km. Access to the middle reaches is via Gribbon Road, which runs parallel to the river for 8km. Access to the upper reaches is via walkways from Gribbon Road.
Lake Whatihua (Thomsons)
A very small lake situated beside the Waiuku-Kariotahi Road about 1.5km back from Kariotahi Beach. Fishable around the shore but permission is required from the local landowner.
Parkinsons Lake
A very small lake but holds some good sized rainbows. Situated off Whiriwhiri Road via the Waiuku-Otaua Road. Easily wadeable but weed can be a problem.
Mangatangi Reservoir
This large water reservoir holds both wild and stocked rainbow trout. At present access for anglers is restricted to the dam wall, but limited boat access is available to members of the Auckland Freshwater Anglers Club. Access is from State Highway 2 (Auckland-Thames) and then Mangatangi, Kaiaua and Workman Roads.
Mangatawhiri Reservoir
A large water reservoir holding wild rainbow trout. At present access for anglers is restricted to the dam wall. Access is via the village of Hunua, then south on Hunua Road, and then Moumoukai Road.
Lake Pupuke
In the heart of North Shore City, Lake Pupuke is regularly stocked with rainbow trout. Popular fishing locations include Sylvan Park and the end of Northcote Road.
Wairoa River
The closest river to Auckland City – offering 15km of fishing water over wadeable shingle bed. Access is off McNicol Road via the Clevedon-Kawakawa Road.
Hamilton Lake
Hamilton Lake in the centre of Hamilton City is a popular coarse fishery with an abundant population of perch. Rudd, goldfish, large tench and catfish are also present.
Lake D (Kainui)
Located about 10km north of Hamilton with access from Lake Road (via Gordonton Road or River Road). Lake D is a popular coarse fishery holding large numbers of rudd, catfish, and goldfish.
Lake Ngaroto
Located about 5km north of Te Awamutu, Lake Ngaroto contains a large population of rudd, goldfish, and catfish.
Whangamarino River
One of the best coarse river fisheries in the Waikato. A slow flowing river containing large numbers of coarse fish. Access to good water can be obtained from Island Block Road (turnoff State Highway 1 at the Meremere Power Station) and Falls Road (turn right at the end of Island Block Road).
Lake Pupuke
In addition to trout, Lake Pupuke in the centre of North Shore City also holds a large population of rudd, perch, koi carp, catfish, goldfish and tench. A popular fishery with Auckland coarse anglers.
Kaiaua Gravel Pits
An excellent tench fishery that also holds a good population of rudd, koi carp and perch. The Kaiaua Gravel Pits are located 6km north of Kaiaua on the Firth of Thames. Permission for access must be obtained from the gravel pit operators.
Lake Kareta
Lake Kareta holds rudd, perch, tench, and koi carp. Located at the end of Wilsons Road (via South Head Road) on the South Kaipara Peninsula.
Lake Hakanoa
Located in the centre of Huntly, Lake Hakanoa offers easy access and populations of rudd, perch, catfish, and the occasional tench. The lake also holds very large goldfish and koi carp.
Lower Waikato River system
Huge numbers of rudd, catfish, koi carp, and goldfish are present throughout the lower Waikato River and associated lakes – virtually unlimited fishing water!
(from Auckland Region Fish and Game Website)
Waikato River
The Waikato River holds a huge trout population. Brown trout are abundant throughout the length of the river, while rainbows are plentiful upstream of Hamilton. The best fishing is generally at twilight or after dark. The lower river fishes best during the winter months, while good fishing can be experienced throughout the year in the upper reaches. Popular spots include beneath the Karapiro Dam (track on western side), and the Karapiro Stream mouth at Cambridge. Good fishing water can also be accessed from riverside tracks in Hamilton and Cambridge.
Lake Karapiro
Access to good waters for shore based anglers can be obtained from Horahora Road where the most popular locations are the mouths of the Pokaiwhenua and Little Waipa Streams. Boat ramps are located off State Highway 1 and at the mouth of the Little Waipa Stream.
Lake Arapuni
This is the most popular lake fishery in the Auckland/Waikato region and is heavily stocked with rainbow trout providing anglers with a relatively high catch rate. At the southern end of the lake, popular locations for the shore based angler include below the Waipapa Dam, the mouth of the Tumai Stream (track from the eastern side of the Waipapa Dam) and the Mangawhio Stream (track from the boat ramp located about 1km downstream from the Waipapa Dam). At the northern end of the lake, access to several beaches can be obtained from Landing Road. Many anglers also fish in the vicinity of the Arapuni and Waipapa Dams. There are five boat ramps located around the lake – the most popular are Jones and Arapuni landings at the northern end.
Lake Waipapa
A high catch rate can be expected in this very scenic lake but trout are generally smaller than in Arapuni and Karapiro. There is only one boat ramp which is located next to Waipapa Road (Te Awamutu-Mangakino). The mouth of the Waipapa River is popular with shore based anglers.
Pokaiwhenua Stream
A spring fed stream with its source in the exotic forest beyond Tokoroa, running past Putaruru into Lake Karapiro. The lower reaches, below the waterfall on the Putaruru-Arapuni Road, have a good spawning run of large trout from Lake Karapiro in Autumn. Access can be obtained across farmland either via Putaruru-Arapuni Road, State Highway 1, Horahora Road or from Hildreth Road. Landowners’ permission is required and access to good water can be gained from at least nine properties. Above the falls a resident population of brown and rainbows provide good fishing with access available from Putaruru-Arapuni Road and Waotu Road.
Click on blue links below for downloadable PDFs.
- Trout Fishing in the Auckland/Waikato Region
- Trout Fishing in South Waikato Spring Creeks
- Trout Fishing in the Coromandel Ranges
- Trout Fishing in the Whanganui Headwaters
- Trout Fishing in the Waikato River
- Trout Fishing in the Waitomo and Kawhia Area
- Trout On Your Doorstep - A quick quide to methods and techniques on the Lower Waikato River
- Trout Fishing in the Auckland Waikato Lakes
Part 1
Part 2
The Mighty Waipa (Note as of October 2014, the landowner at Toa Bridge is not allowing anglers access to fish the Waipa River)
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Page 3
Page 4
Little Waipa Stream
A large spring fed stream near Putaruru with an abundant trout population. Access is from Putaruru-Arapuni, Pearsons, or Old Taupo Roads. Good water that is rarely fished can also be reached across private farmland from Huihuitaha Road – it’s well worth the extra effort. An extensive coverage of aquatic weeds and generally very clear water makes this a challenging stream to fish.
Waipa River
The Waipa River is largely fished above Otorohanga where there is over 30km of superb fishing water. From Otorohanga the river runs parallel to Otewa Road for some 16km to Toa Bridge, the upstream limit for winter fishing. Above Toa Bridge the river is mainly accessible by foot. Access to the upper reaches can also be obtained across private farmland from Owawenga Road.
Puniu River
The Puniu River is the largest tributary of the Waipa River, flowing through the Pureora Forest and joining the river at Pirongia. The Puniu River offers 20km of fishing water, mostly in the headwaters and middle reaches. Access to the river is from Bayley, Newman, and Duncan Roads.
Mangatutu Stream
A very popular stream, southwest of Te Awamutu, that is heavily fished by local anglers. Access is from the Wharepuhunga Road which runs parallel to the Mangatutu Stream for 5km. There is also at least 10km of good fly fishing water upstream from the Wharepuhunga Road Bridge.
Moakurarua Stream
The Moakurarua Stream has its source in the steep hill country to the west of Otorohanga and flows in a northerly direction to join the Waipa River just south of Pirongia. The upper reaches of the Moakurarua have a clear gravel bottom, mostly wadeable offering good fishing waters. Access is gained off the Otorohanga/Honikiwi or Otorohanga/Kawhia Roads. The lower reaches are deep, sluggish, and generally not favoured by anglers.
Ngakoaohia Stream
Rising on Mt Pirongia the Ngakoaohia Stream flows east to join the Waipa River. This small stream consists of pools and runs with a clear gravel bottom which lends itself well to nymph and dry fly fishing. Access is from the Pirongia/Kawhia Road.
Kaniwhaniwha Stream
A small shingle and boulder stream that runs through bush and farm land down the northern slopes of Mt Pirongia. Access is off the Limeworks Loop Road. The stream is mainly fished with nymph or dry fly during the summer.
Mangaokewa Stream
In it’s upper reaches the Mangaokewa is a very scenic stream flowing through an extensive area of native forest. These waters are best suited for spin fishing and hold good size rainbow and brown trout. Access is off the Mangaokewa Road and from the scenic Mangaokewa Reserve just south of Te Kuiti
Waihou River
Most fishing is carried out in the upper reaches above Okoroire where the Waihou is very clear – classic dry fly waters. In this section of the Waihou trout numbers are very high; mainly small fish though recent drift dive surveys have seen reasonable numbers of large rainbow trout. Access is obtained from the Hamilton/Rotorua highway, Whites Road (road between SH5 and SH1), and at Okoroire behind the Hotel.
Waiomou Stream
An upper tributary of the Waihou with about 20km of fishable water. This is a popular river with a high catch rate. Three tributaries of the Waiomou – the Omahine, Rapurapu, and the Kakahu Streams offer good small stream fly fishing. Access is off the Rapurapu, Omahine, and Waiomou Roads reached from either the Hamilton/Tauranga or Hamilton/Rotorua highways.
Ohinemuri River
The Ohinemuri River rises in the ranges behind Whangamata and flows west through the rugged Karangahake Gorge parallel to the Paeroa/Waihi highway. There is excellent fishing throughout the Ohinemuri, especially upstream of Waihi and though the Karangahake Gorge where a variety of fishing water is present. About equal numbers of rainbow and brown trout are present.
Waitawheta River
A boulder stream which flows through forest and farmland catchments before joining the Ohinemuri River. Highly valued by anglers for its scenic beauty and feelings of solitude. Access to the lower reaches is gained by crossing the Ohinemuri River at Karangahake township. The middle and upper reaches by taking the Waitawheta Road near Waikino on the Waihi/Paeroa highway, then either Dickey Flat, Dean or Franklin Roads. From the Dickey Flat and Franklin Roads there are Department of Conservation tracks along the river giving access to many kilometres of fishing water through scenic kauri forests.
Waimakariri Stream
The Waimakariri is a large spring fed stream which flows north from the Kaimai Ranges to meet the Waihou River just south of the Okoroire Falls. This river is renowned for its high catch rate of smallish trout, however, larger trout are present especially in the upper reaches. Probably one of the best dry fly streams in the region. Access is off the Tirau/Rotorua highway and Waimakariri Road.
Whanganui River
Between Taumarunui and Kakahi there are numerous good fishing pools. Access can be gained from Taumarunui, or via the villages of Mahoe (Mahoe Rd), Piriaka (from the power station), Manunui (Mahoe Rd), and Kakahi (Ako Street) and from the end of Te Rena Road by crossing the Whakapapa River and taking the short path across the Whakapapa Island. Access to the upper reaches within the Tongariro National Park is via old logging roads from State Highway 47, a good topographical map or local knowledge is required.
Whakapapa River
One of New Zealand’s finest trout fisheries but certainly not for the faint hearted as the Whakapapa alternates between turbulent rapid, deep pools and long boulder runs. Access to the lower reaches can be obtained from the end of Te Rena Road via the village of Kakahi. Access to the middle reaches can be obtained from Owhango, south of Taumarunui, where a good gravel road leads to a bridge across the river. Just before the bridge a short road on the right leads to a fence line along which a path gives excellent access to the river. Access to the upper reaches can be gained from SH 4 across private farmland (landowner permission is required), or from the access road to the Tongariro Power Scheme intake structure via SH 47 (National Park – Turangi).
Ongarue River
A popular river offering many kilometres of fishing water. Mainly fished in its upper reaches above the township of Waimiha. Access is from the Ongarue Stream Road across private farmland. Below Waimiha there is some excellent spin fishing water, with access from the Waimiha-Ongarue Road which runs parallel to the river.
Waimiha Stream
A delightful stream offering a succession of long ripples and pools containing a good population of both rainbow and brown trout. The lower and middle reaches offer clear low banks providing relatively easy fishing. Access is from Waimiha Road across private farmland, permission is required from the farmhouse just north of the Waimiha-Ongarue Road turnoff. Access can also be obtained across farmland from Ongarue Stream Road. The upper reaches run parallel to State Highway 30 (Te Kuiti – Mangakino) east of Bennydale, with access across private farmland.
Marokopa River
The Marokopa is a relatively remote west coast river that is divided into two fisheries by the impressive Marokopa Falls. Below the falls there is about 3km of fishing, probably best suited for spin fishing. Above the falls there is about 10km of productive water. Both rainbow and brown trout are present. Access is from Te Anga Road via Waitomo Caves Road.
Tawarau River
The Tawarau River enters the Marokopa River just below the Marokopa Falls. This river is remote with foot access only to the upper and middle reaches. The scenery is very impressive as the river flows pass high limestone cliffs and dense forests. There is a good track alongside the river which leads to the Mangaohae Stream, and several suitable camping sites for a weekend trip. Access to the north end of the track is by Speedies Road via the Te Anga Road (Marokopa-Waitomo Caves)
Mangaohae Stream
A popular stream that flows past spectacular limestone bluffs and native forest providing the most impressive scenery to be found in the King Country. A Department of Conservation track follows the stream down to the Tawarau River. The south end of the track can be reached by taking the Oparure Road, 3km north of Te Kuiti, and then Ngapaenga and Were Roads.
A large spring fed stream near Putaruru with an abundant trout population. Access is from Putaruru-Arapuni, Pearsons, or Old Taupo Roads. Good water that is rarely fished can also be reached across private farmland from Huihuitaha Road – it’s well worth the extra effort. An extensive coverage of aquatic weeds and generally very clear water makes this a challenging stream to fish.
Waipa River
The Waipa River is largely fished above Otorohanga where there is over 30km of superb fishing water. From Otorohanga the river runs parallel to Otewa Road for some 16km to Toa Bridge, the upstream limit for winter fishing. Above Toa Bridge the river is mainly accessible by foot. Access to the upper reaches can also be obtained across private farmland from Owawenga Road.
Puniu River
The Puniu River is the largest tributary of the Waipa River, flowing through the Pureora Forest and joining the river at Pirongia. The Puniu River offers 20km of fishing water, mostly in the headwaters and middle reaches. Access to the river is from Bayley, Newman, and Duncan Roads.
Mangatutu Stream
A very popular stream, southwest of Te Awamutu, that is heavily fished by local anglers. Access is from the Wharepuhunga Road which runs parallel to the Mangatutu Stream for 5km. There is also at least 10km of good fly fishing water upstream from the Wharepuhunga Road Bridge.
Moakurarua Stream
The Moakurarua Stream has its source in the steep hill country to the west of Otorohanga and flows in a northerly direction to join the Waipa River just south of Pirongia. The upper reaches of the Moakurarua have a clear gravel bottom, mostly wadeable offering good fishing waters. Access is gained off the Otorohanga/Honikiwi or Otorohanga/Kawhia Roads. The lower reaches are deep, sluggish, and generally not favoured by anglers.
Ngakoaohia Stream
Rising on Mt Pirongia the Ngakoaohia Stream flows east to join the Waipa River. This small stream consists of pools and runs with a clear gravel bottom which lends itself well to nymph and dry fly fishing. Access is from the Pirongia/Kawhia Road.
Kaniwhaniwha Stream
A small shingle and boulder stream that runs through bush and farm land down the northern slopes of Mt Pirongia. Access is off the Limeworks Loop Road. The stream is mainly fished with nymph or dry fly during the summer.
Mangaokewa Stream
In it’s upper reaches the Mangaokewa is a very scenic stream flowing through an extensive area of native forest. These waters are best suited for spin fishing and hold good size rainbow and brown trout. Access is off the Mangaokewa Road and from the scenic Mangaokewa Reserve just south of Te Kuiti.
Waihou River
Most fishing is carried out in the upper reaches above Okoroire where the Waihou is very clear – classic dry fly waters. In this section of the Waihou trout numbers are very high; mainly small fish though recent drift dive surveys have seen reasonable numbers of large rainbow trout. Access is obtained from the Hamilton/Rotorua highway, Whites Road (road between SH5 and SH1), and at Okoroire behind the Hotel.
Waiomou Stream
An upper tributary of the Waihou with about 20km of fishable water. This is a popular river with a high catch rate. Three tributaries of the Waiomou – the Omahine, Rapurapu, and the Kakahu Streams offer good small stream fly fishing. Access is off the Rapurapu, Omahine, and Waiomou Roads reached from either the Hamilton/Tauranga or Hamilton/Rotorua highways.
Ohinemuri River
The Ohinemuri River rises in the ranges behind Whangamata and flows west through the rugged Karangahake Gorge parallel to the Paeroa/Waihi highway. There is excellent fishing throughout the Ohinemuri, especially upstream of Waihi and though the Karangahake Gorge where a variety of fishing water is present. About equal numbers of rainbow and brown trout are present.
Waitawheta River
A boulder stream which flows through forest and farmland catchments before joining the Ohinemuri River. Highly valued by anglers for its scenic beauty and feelings of solitude. Access to the lower reaches is gained by crossing the Ohinemuri River at Karangahake township. The middle and upper reaches by taking the Waitawheta Road near Waikino on the Waihi/Paeroa highway, then either Dickey Flat, Dean or Franklin Roads. From the Dickey Flat and Franklin Roads there are Department of Conservation tracks along the river giving access to many kilometres of fishing water through scenic kauri forests.
Waimakariri Stream
The Waimakariri is a large spring fed stream which flows north from the Kaimai Ranges to meet the Waihou River just south of the Okoroire Falls. This river is renowned for its high catch rate of smallish trout, however, larger trout are present especially in the upper reaches. Probably one of the best dry fly streams in the region. Access is off the Tirau/Rotorua highway and Waimakariri Road.
Whanganui River
Between Taumarunui and Kakahi there are numerous good fishing pools. Access can be gained from Taumarunui, or via the villages of Mahoe (Mahoe Rd), Piriaka (from the power station), Manunui (Mahoe Rd), and Kakahi (Ako Street) and from the end of Te Rena Road by crossing the Whakapapa River and taking the short path across the Whakapapa Island. Access to the upper reaches within the Tongariro National Park is via old logging roads from State Highway 47, a good topographical map or local knowledge is required.
Whakapapa River
One of New Zealand’s finest trout fisheries but certainly not for the faint hearted as the Whakapapa alternates between turbulent rapid, deep pools and long boulder runs. Access to the lower reaches can be obtained from the end of Te Rena Road via the village of Kakahi. Access to the middle reaches can be obtained from Owhango, south of Taumarunui, where a good gravel road leads to a bridge across the river. Just before the bridge a short road on the right leads to a fence line along which a path gives excellent access to the river. Access to the upper reaches can be gained from SH 4 across private farmland (landowner permission is required), or from the access road to the Tongariro Power Scheme intake structure via SH 47 (National Park – Turangi).
Tairua River
Rises in the Coromandel Range, flows in a northerly direction until it enters tidal water at Tairua. Access is off the Kopu-Hikuai highway or off the Hikuai Valley Road.
Kauaeranga River
This river flows westward along the Kauaeranga Valley before entering the sea at Thames. It offers over 20km of good fishing, wadeable over a shingle and boulder bottom. Access is off Kauaeranga Valley Road behind Thames.
Waiwawa River
Rainbow trout are present in all rivers and streams that enter Whitianga Harbour. The Waiwawa is probably the best of these waters, a superb small trout river with over 10km of fishable water. Access is off the Coroglen-Tapu Road. The Mahakirau River is also popular with local anglers.
Mangaotaki River
A tributary of the Mokau River, the Mangaotaki River holds both rainbows and browns. Spin fishing is the most popular method but the upper reaches also holds good fly fishing waters. Access is off the Te Kuiti/New Plymouth highway or off the Upper Mangaotaki Road.
Awakino River
Entering the sea just south of Marokopa, the Awakino River is a picturesque river of rapids, boulders, and native bush. Access to the river is excellent with SH3 running beside the lower reaches for 15km. Access to the middle reaches is via Gribbon Road, which runs parallel to the river for 8km. Access to the upper reaches is via walkways from Gribbon Road.
Lake Whatihua (Thomsons)
A very small lake situated beside the Waiuku-Kariotahi Road about 1.5km back from Kariotahi Beach. Fishable around the shore but permission is required from the local landowner.
Parkinsons Lake
A very small lake but holds some good sized rainbows. Situated off Whiriwhiri Road via the Waiuku-Otaua Road. Easily wadeable but weed can be a problem.
Mangatangi Reservoir
This large water reservoir holds both wild and stocked rainbow trout. At present access for anglers is restricted to the dam wall, but limited boat access is available to members of the Auckland Freshwater Anglers Club. Access is from State Highway 2 (Auckland-Thames) and then Mangatangi, Kaiaua and Workman Roads.
Mangatawhiri Reservoir
A large water reservoir holding wild rainbow trout. At present access for anglers is restricted to the dam wall. Access is via the village of Hunua, then south on Hunua Road, and then Moumoukai Road.
Lake Pupuke
In the heart of North Shore City, Lake Pupuke is regularly stocked with rainbow trout. Popular fishing locations include Sylvan Park and the end of Northcote Road.
Wairoa River
The closest river to Auckland City – offering 15km of fishing water over wadeable shingle bed. Access is off McNicol Road via the Clevedon-Kawakawa Road.
Hamilton Lake
Hamilton Lake in the centre of Hamilton City is a popular coarse fishery with an abundant population of perch. Rudd, goldfish, large tench and catfish are also present.
Lake D (Kainui)
Located about 10km north of Hamilton with access from Lake Road (via Gordonton Road or River Road). Lake D is a popular coarse fishery holding large numbers of rudd, catfish, and goldfish.
Lake Ngaroto
Located about 5km north of Te Awamutu, Lake Ngaroto contains a large population of rudd, goldfish, and catfish.
Whangamarino River
One of the best coarse river fisheries in the Waikato. A slow flowing river containing large numbers of coarse fish. Access to good water can be obtained from Island Block Road (turnoff State Highway 1 at the Meremere Power Station) and Falls Road (turn right at the end of Island Block Road).
Lake Pupuke
In addition to trout, Lake Pupuke in the centre of North Shore City also holds a large population of rudd, perch, koi carp, catfish, goldfish and tench. A popular fishery with Auckland coarse anglers.
Kaiaua Gravel Pits
An excellent tench fishery that also holds a good population of rudd, koi carp and perch. The Kaiaua Gravel Pits are located 6km north of Kaiaua on the Firth of Thames. Permission for access must be obtained from the gravel pit operators.
Lake Kareta
Lake Kareta holds rudd, perch, tench, and koi carp. Located at the end of Wilsons Road (via South Head Road) on the South Kaipara Peninsula.
Lake Hakanoa
Located in the centre of Huntly, Lake Hakanoa offers easy access and populations of rudd, perch, catfish, and the occasional tench. The lake also holds very large goldfish and koi carp.
Lower Waikato River system
Huge numbers of rudd, catfish, koi carp, and goldfish are present throughout the lower Waikato River and associated lakes – virtually unlimited fishing water!